helpers.openApp( applicationId: string, options?: { queryParams?: {"key":"value"}, hashParams?: {"key":"value"}, newTab:true } )//Open an QuickDEV app in a new tabhelpers.openApp("632bddc33bb9722fb561f6c0", { newTab:true })//Open an QuickDEV app and pass in `id` parameterhelpers.openApp("632bddc33bb9722fb561f6c0", { queryParams: { "id" } })//orhelpers.openApp("632bddc33bb9722fb561f6c0", { hashParams: { "id" } })
Download file
helpers.downloadFile(data: any, fileName: string, options?: { fileType?: string, dataType?:"url"|"base64" } )// Download the base64 data from a file component as a PNG file named users-data.helpers.downloadFile(file1.value[0],"users-data", { fileType:"png", dataType:"base64" })// Download the results of query1 as a XLXS file named users-data.helpers.downloadFile(,"users-data", { fileType:"xlsx" })// or in this way:helpers.downloadFile(,"users-data.xlsx")// Download the results of query1 as a XLXS file named users-data.helpers.downloadFile(,"users-data", { fileType:"pdf", dataType:"base64" })
Copy to clipboard
helpers.copyToClipboard( text: string )//Copy input value to clipboardhelpers.copyToClipboard( input1.value )
Message - global notification
Use message methods to send a global alert notification, which displays at the top of the screen and lasts for 3 seconds by default. Each of the following four methods supports a unique display style.
Use the localStorage capabilities to store and control key-value pairs. This information persists even after application refreshes and can be used in any application via localStorage.values
To enable responsive Layouts, you need to know which device type your app is currently viewed. This helper gives you information about the screen sizes. The values automatically update on Screen size changes.
You can use deviceType to get the Type of the Device based on the current screen width of the QuickDEV app (or the website where it is embedded). This value automatically updates on Screen size changes.
The screenInfo variable provide information about used device (screenInfo.isDesktop, screenInfo.isMobile, screenInfo.isTablet) and the window size (screenInfo.width, screenInfo.height)