Members and groups
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Within QuickDEV, you have the option to organize workspace members into various groups and assign roles to these groups to regulate permissions for resources. You can access member and group settings within the Settings section on the QuickDEV Admin Page.
The roles available for users in QuickDEV are as follows:
Within QuickDEV, you have the ability to arrange workspace members into various groups and allocate roles to these groups to regulate permissions for resources. You can access member and group settings in the Settings section on the QuickDEV Admin Page.
Within the Members tab, two pre-configured groups are available by default. This aids in quickly distinguishing between colleagues whom you wish to invite to collaborate on app development and all other users, including those who utilize the apps. The predefined user groups are:
All members
In addition to these pre-defined User Groups, you have the flexibility to create your own User Groups. This allows you to effectively manage permissions and maintain visibility over all registered users who are utilizing apps within your Workspace.
Group-based management facilitates the organization of members from various functional departments within your workspace. You can create User Groups directly within the Members tab.
To gain access to all members of a Workspace, select the default User Group "All members." This group contains all Workspace members, independent of their role or membership with other User Groups.
In the Members tab, workspace admins have the option to click on + Create Group to establish a new group. The individual who creates the group will automatically assume the role of group admin for the newly created User Group.
Group admins have the ability to add members to groups.
The Administrator of a User Group can assign either an Admin or Member role to each group member. The permissions for each role are outlined in the table below:
Change group name
Delete groups
Manage group members and set their roles
View group members
View group members